Exchange | Link |
Uniswap USSD exchange | Uniswap Link |
Curve USSD exchange | Curve Link |
Pancakeswap USSD exchange | Pancakeswap Link |
Type | Link |
Whitepaper | Whitepaper PDF |
USSD_official on Twitter | |
Medium | USSD_official on Medium |
Bitcointalk | Bitcointalk Thread |
Bitcointalk announcement ussdv2 | Announcement Post |
Github (Arbitrum contracts) | Github Repository | | |
Telegram Channel | |
Telegram Community Chat | |
Discord | |
Website | |
Website explanation | Website Docs |
Marketing Graphic Materials | Google Drive Folder |
Audit Score - 9.3 | Hacken Audit |
Text of the Audit report | Audit Report PDF |
Token/Contract | Address | Decimals |
USSD | 0x33C88D4caC6aC34F77020915a2a88cd0417dC069 | 6 decimals |
Arbiscan USSD Address | Arbiscan Link | |
Contract Creation Tx | Transaction Link | |
ICT | 0x978cD62ed2d247e4B72C7Df07484b8EC6cE92c9c | 18 decimals |
stUSSD | 0x19a23fEA27B1d845a334DFAADb5e54FAd7cdcE74 | 18 decimals |
WBGL | 0x2bA64EFB7A4Ec8983E22A49c81fa216AC33f383A | 18 decimals |
USDT | 0xFd086bC7CD5C481DCC9C85ebE478A1C0b69FCbb9 | 6 decimals |
WBTC | 0x2f2a2543B76A4166549F7aaB2e75Bef0aefC5B0f | 8 decimals |
WETH | 0x82aF49447D8a07e3bd95BD0d56f35241523fBab1 | 18 decimals |
DAI | 0xDA10009cBd5D07dd0CeCc66161FC93D7c9000da1 | 18 decimals |
USDC | 0xaf88d065e77c8cC2239327C5EDb3A432268e5831 | 6 decimals |
StableOracleWETH | 0x6f541ecD5C403F1aFa8b89681af2AE15B30e455C | |
StableOracleUSDT | 0x97D87327D8F168b0Ba317fd8B210d2B087f4b851 | |
StableOracleDAI | 0x236e96a3B801442D2dfB262204C98A7812bb506c | |
StableOracleWBGL | 0x983FaBE82117DE05a4CA899FbA8Ae04c5d498458 | |
StableOracleWBTC | 0xCFfa2bC291443cFe4292309B891be3f2C23C37fA |
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We kindly ask you to note that the address is for Ethereum (ERC 20)